Becoming EMS Strong

52 Weeks a Year

This year, National Emergency Medical Services week will take on a whole new meaning with focus not only on “the week” but also extending to a year-round campaign that organizers have dubbed with the title “EMS Strong”.

Think of it as a campaign to draw attention to America’s Emergency Medical Services, not just one week, but 52 weeks a year.

Becoming EMS StrongFirst celebrated in 1974, the United States has celebrated National Emergency Medical Services week each year in order to call attention to the importance of the ever-evolving movement we all participate in called EMS.

Championed by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and later joined by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), the event highlights pre-hospital life-saving efforts via a coordinated week-long focus. Typically, the week brings displays of appreciation for EMS responders in many communities and also serves as the week to share life-saving skills in our communities, especially focusing on educating children about EMS.

However, it was determined that after “the week” there wasn’t really a coordinated effort to draw attention to the amazing EMS system that we enjoy here in the United States. The ACEP and NAEMT began to entertain discussions about a coordinated year-round campaign to highlight the extraordinary efforts of thousands of EMS providers all year long.

The result of those discussions culminated in the announcement to launch the “EMS Strong” campaign beginning in 2015.

Enhanced Believes!

In the fall of 2014, Enhanced Management Services, Inc was contacted about joining EMS Strong, by becoming a Strategic Partner. After learning the plans for EMS Strong, Enhanced CEO, Joel B. Gum and the entire Enhanced team, became believers.

Subsequently, we have agreed to stand alongside EMS Strong as a Bronze Level Strategic Partner.

“Enhanced Management Services already partners daily with EMS agencies all across the United States by providing first-class ambulance billing services that help support local EMS efforts via a consistent reimbursement stream. By partnering with the EMS Strong campaign, we are enabling our clients and EMS agencies across the nation to tell their story to the communities they serve, while drawing attention to the awesome job EMS providers do day-in and day-out. It just felt right to join this worthwhile effort,” Gum said.

What is EMS Strong?

Campaign organizres describe EMS Strong like this.

“EMS Strong is a new campaign designed to inspire the EMS profession and increase confidence in its potential. To enhanced the perception of EMS professionalism, both inside EMS and among other stakeholders, including the public, the healthcare community and national and state-level officials. The envisioned result is greater influence, enhanced credibility and more opportunities to protect and pursue the interests of the profession.”

In addition to the 2015 EMS Week festivities, which this is slated for May 17-23 this year, the larger campaign will promote and focus on three key major goals.

To Increase Visibility of the EMS Profession and Increase Confidence in its Potential

All EMS will band together under one banner, EMS Strong, in a united effort to promote our profession. The campaign is collaborative in nature and input is encouraged from all contributors to the system, including association partners and even media outlets.

To Provide EMS Professionals with a Resource of Information, Inspiration, Resources and More

A brand new collaborative website will be soon launched. The website will be a repository of information and resources surrounding EMS week, in addition to being filled with content from association and media partners serving up a wide variety of content relevant to all things EMS.

To Unite EMS Professionals and Provide a Sense of Community

It is hoped that EMS Strong becomes a “rallying cry” for EMS professionals to come together to demonstrate that they are “EMS Strong.” There are plans to incorporate the social media outlets Twitter, Instagram and Facebook into the overall info campaign, connecting the people of EMS.

More than a Campaign!

EMS Strong is more than just a campaign. It’s a belief. It’s a belief that all of us who love and are dedicated to the EMS industry in America can join together to share our love of serving our communities as EMS care providers.

That’s why all of us here at Enhanced Management Services are thrilled to be walking alongside the ACEP, NAEMT and dozens of other sponsors, nationwide, to support this first-time effort. Together we can truly make what we do “EMS Strong”.

Watch for exciting updates, including the official EMS Strong/EMS Week guide, to arrive in your mailbox soon. Be sure to join in the effort by engaging in the many activities, including internet-based and social-media-driven opportunities to connect with your brothers and sisters of EMS.

This is going to be a lot of fun!

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